发表于 2018-5-1 12:47:26


怀孕期间因为内分泌失调导致满脸痘痘跟痘印,那种反反复复在长然后导致皮肤满脸痘印跟毛孔粗大,但是皮肤又特别敏感,所以不敢乱用东西!经朋友介绍说Retro CoCo 可以解决我当前皮肤问题,也是抱着试试的心态,10来天就出现这么神奇的效果,当然我有坚持在做抗氧化水疗,庆幸的是我皮肤没有激素!都痘印调理好了,就可以继续调理色斑了:loveliness:

XRumerTest 发表于 2022-12-21 23:53:13

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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-1-18 02:42:00

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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-4-17 23:10:12

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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-4-18 18:58:36

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XRumerTest ??? 2022-12-23 01:37
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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-4-27 21:30:16

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XRumerTest ??? 2022-12-23 01:37
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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-5-27 05:31:13

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XRumerTest ??? 2023-4-27 21:30
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XRumerTest 发表于 2023-7-29 01:06:25

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XRumerTest ??? 2023-5-27 05:31
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查看完整版本: 二胎宝妈因内分泌失调导致的痘痘痘印!